I had posted an introduction to MOOCs and some other presentations from Technology workshops at NIIIT University for faculty earlier (here).
This month in the technology workshop we coverd a little generic perspective on Edtech and MOOCs.
Slide 2: In the definition of Edtech from Wikipedia we can clearly see that EdTech is much more than just eLearning. And it should help improve the way we engage with students.
Slide 3: When I was trying to search some important technologies that are changing the way we teach and learn, then I see that MOOCs are being talked as the most important technology or concept. Further search on MOOCs shows that there is so much Buzz around them. While critics are also saying that they are being overhyped, but still they need a serious consideration by anybody in education world.
Slide 4: A quick look at four of the biggest MOOCs in the world today. If I compare some of the data about these MOOCs from the four month presentation (here), then I see that they have grown with unbelievable speed. E.g. Coursera has become double from 100 to 200+ courses in just 4 months.
Slide 5: The main highlight here is the point in the middle. If students get credit for the courses they have completed on MOOCs it will revolutionize the university education system and will have major financial changes. Some people have started talking about the meta-university concept, that will also gel with the MOOCs phenomena.
Slide 6: The news items that you can find on so many cases of funding from Gates and other foundation also firms up the belief that EdTech is getting serious attention from charity funds as well as venture funds.
Slide 7: In early days of elearning it was being promoted by elearning companies as “Anytime anywhere” learning. But why “pure elearning” never became successful was because too much flexibility resulted in “Never nowhere” Learning. MOOCs like coursera and such are blending the flexibility of elearning with the discipline of classroom learning because students are supposed to complete their study and submit assignments on defined time. This blending is one of the key factors for their success.
Slide 8: And MOOCs have something positive for all stakeholders from students to teachers to MOOC providers to universities who are not offering such MOOCs.
Slide 9: The social impact of these MOOCs is huge because of their Massive reach.
Slide 10: Predictions
Slide 11: Some good links for those educators who are starting with the EdTech.
Slide 12: :)